Almanaque El Hombre Enmascarado

Almanaque El Hombre Enmascarado is a series of comic books published by Hispano Americana de Ediciones S.A in Barcelona, Spain from 1945 thru till 1948. The series contains 5 editions, released as special yearly editions, generally in December, prior to the new year as printed on the cover.

The comic books don’t contain an edition number on the cover, instead, a year is featured alongside an image of the Phantom. The first edition in the series is the only edition not to bear a year on the cover, instead a comic title is shown, ‘El Hombre Enmascarado – Extraordinario de Reyes’. The front and back cover of this edition is seen below, measuring 26cm x 19cm, containing 32 pages.

Almanaque El Hombre Enmascarado editions 2 thru to 5 can be seen below, with the front and back covers featured, measuring 26cm x 18cm, containing approximately 52 pages. These editions all note the word ‘Almanaque’ as part of the heading on the front cover, plus a year, 1946 thru to 1949.