The Most Beautiful Pictures Presenta Los Muñequitos

The Most Beautiful Pictures Presenta Los Muñequitos card album was released by V.G. Rodriguez in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Havana, Cuba in 1949. The card album features a variety of comic book characters popular in Sunday supplements of newspapers in Cuba at the time, including El Diario de la Marina, El Mundo and El País. A full set of cards is made up of 140, with an album released to attach the 140 paper cards, measuring 8.5” x 11”.

The Phantom made an appearance on one of the cards, number 3, which were given away free of charge with Caramel Candy. The front and rear of the card can be seen below.

A sample of the internal pages can be seen below, including the page featuring the Phantom.

Once the album was completed with the 140 cards, the owner had the option to present the album to a set location in Guanabacoa, Havana, Cuba or another approved agency. The owners details would be recorded and a receipt issued, going into a draw to win a variety of prizes, drawn on the 22nd of September, 1949. The prizes included, a bike, skates, toys, gloves, sport bats and balls and more. A receipt from an agency for entering the contest can be seen below.

The album was kept by the owner and not forfeited in lieu of entering the contest.