Fantomen Speech Bubble Contest

The Fantomen Speech Bubble Contest was held by Semic Press in Sweden in 1964. The contest required the reader to select the correct wording as spoken by the Phantom from an option of 5 images. The front cover of edition number 1 containing the contest can be seen below.

Found on the inside back cover of the comic book, we see a full page advertisement promoting the contest. The contest was held only in this edition, requiring the reader to select the correct text in the speech bubble as found in the comic strip story published within the comic book. A coupon was then required to be posted to the publisher with the correct answer written on the coupon, with the entrants address details. The Fantomen Speech Bubble Contest on the inside back cover of the comic book can be seen below.

Translated to English, the contest page reads:


Four of these five speech bubbles are fake. Can you see which one is the right one? If you can’t decide right away, check out this issue’s Phantom adventure! Then fill in the coupon below and send it to Välj rätt», Fantomen’s competition editor, Fack, Stockholm 200 before 8 October.

Two prizes were offered by Semic Press for the winners of the Fantomen Speech Bubble Contest. the first 10 winners received a cash prize, with 40 consolation prizes given out which was a ‘luminescent Phantom rings’, which can be seen below.

Winners of the contest were announced in the following Fantomen comic book, edition number 2 published in 1964.