The Phantom – In The Land Of The Lawless

Sweden based publisher Egmont Story House has announced the released of a new Fantomen comic book.

Titled ‘I De Laglösas Land’, which translates to ‘In The Land Of The Lawless’, we’re told that Evil’s nemesis travels across the Atlantic to fight injustice in the land of the lawless: America.

Not a great deal of detail has been released about the comic book as yet. Online listings advertise that the comic book will be published in color in Swedish text. The vibrant cover art is completed by Luca Erbetta, which includes an image of the Phantom riding a Bull in Death Valley in California, USA.

The basic description for the comic book currently provided is:

The nemesis of evil travels across the Atlantic to fight injustice in the land of the lawless, America. From Walker’s rock in the middle of the cold desert, the ghost who walks watches over and helps all who call his name: The Phantom!

Fantomen – I De Laglösas Land is due for released in October, 2023.

To read more about the comic book on the Egmont Story House website, click HERE