Zowie! The TV Superhero Craze In ’60s Pop Culture

Zowie! The TV Superhero Craze In ’60s Pop Culture is a new publication by Mark Voger, to be published by TwoMorrows Publishing in the USA.

The hardcover book will focus on the pop-culture scene from the 1960’s, covering a variety of feature topics such as figures/toys, television productions, print publications and creator articles. The book will contain 192 color pages, rich in both information and images.

TwoMorrows Publishing describe the book as:

Holy phenomenon! In the way-out year of 1966, the action comedy “Batman” starring Adam West premiered and triggered a tsunami of super swag, including toys, games, Halloween costumes, puppets, action figures, and lunch boxes. Meanwhile, still more costumed avengers sprang forth on TV (“The Green Hornet,” “Ultraman”), in movies (“The Wild World of Batwoman,” “Rat Pfink and Boo Boo”), and in animation (“Space Ghost,” “The Marvel Super Heroes”). Zowie! traces the history of the superhero genre from early films, through the 1960s TV superhero craze, and its pop culture influence ever since. This 192-page hardcover, in pop art colors that conjure the period, spotlights the coolest collectibles and kookiest knockoffs every ’60s kid begged their parents for, and features interviews with the TV stars (West, Burt Ward, Yvonne Craig, Frank Gorshin, Burgess Meredith, Cesar Romero, Julie Newmar, Van Williams), the artists behind the comics (Jerry Robinson, Dick Sprang, Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella), and others. Written and designed by Mark Voger (“Monster Mash,” “Holly Jolly”), Zowie! is one super read!

Reading through the vast array of contents listed at the front of the book, the Phantom is featured several times throughout the book.

Under ‘Origin Story‘, we see a feature titled ‘Roots Of Superdom‘ on page 12. Lee Falk, the creator of Mandrake the Magician and the Phantom is found, with information provided on how these characters came to be and their influence on future comic book heroes.

Under ‘Early Film & TV‘, we see a variety of serial productions featured, with ‘The Phantom Serial‘ seen on page 35. Also featured are Batman, Green Hornet, Captain America, Captain Marvel and more.

Under ‘Collectibles‘, page 116 presents the Captain Action toy range in a feature titled ‘Captain Action In Action‘. As the Phantom is found in the toy range released by the Ideal Toy Corporation in the USA in Spring 1966, the Phantom is seen in the feature.

Zowie! The TV Superhero Craze In ’60s Pop Culture will be available in both physical book form and also in a lower cost digital download, due for release on the 31st of July 2024.

To view the advertisement on the TwoMorrows Publishing website, plus a sample of internal pages, click HERE